Dr. Ching-Chi Chiu
Assistant Professor
in Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Sciences
I'm the Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science of Chang Gung University and Associate Research Fellow at Neuroscience Research Center of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. My laboratory explores four interrelated research studies: (1) application of precision medicine in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), (2) molecular diagnosis of AD and PD, (3) development of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing for cell therapy, (4) mutant gene knockin/knockout mice and transgenic mice model of AD and PD.
碩二 吳冠宣榮獲21屆醫技所碩士論文競賽優選
碩二 吳冠宣榮獲113年國科會博士生研究獎學金
大四 陳相宇榮獲林口長庚醫院優良醫檢實習生獎
大四 蔡欣瑜榮獲112年國科會大專生(校內)研究創作獎佳作
大四 陳相宇第一屆學士專題實作競賽-第三名
大四 陳相宇、蔡欣瑜榮獲112年度國科會大專生研究計畫補助

實驗室碩班邱黛茹 榮獲第一屆默克年輕科學人獎 壁報論文競賽第三名!